Friday, July 26, 2013

Modest Martha

I had my first personal home improvement project this week.  We officially became home owners on Tuesday and I was off and running Wednesday morning in what will soon be Max's bedroom.  My task...remove all the wallpaper.  While it made a perfect setting as a sewing room it was just not going to do for stud man Max's new pad.  I am not a novice in this area and spent many days helping my Mom remove wallpaper throughout my childhood home.  However, it was not nearly as enjoyable this time around.  I suppose in my mind it had been glamorized thinking about chatting with my Mom as we would take down the wallpaper bit by bit.  It never seemed to take that long...but Martha had a different idea.


I began Wednesday morning with high hopes of completing my task that day.  But, as the hours drew on I knew this was not going to be easy.  Poor modest Martha did not like being shed of her frocks from the past 20 years.  She hung onto those stripes and baskets like a mid-westerner at a Longaberger sale {20 years ago}.  I was patient though and after 20 hours and three day they were all gone!  I handed the room over to the painters this morning as they work on transforming it. 

Day One

My New Best Friend

Ralph Lauren Chevron Moderne - Spectator
 As I was doing this a few people asked if it made me never want to put up another wallcovering?  Like any good designer the answer is obviously, "No", because as I was pulling paper off I was dreaming of this Ralph Lauren wallcovering that I want to put on the wall behind my desk.  {possibly my second personal home improvement project!}

1 comment:

  1. OH, I remember those wallpaper-stripping days all too well! Our house was just like yours when we moved in {although your comments are much more kind!}:

    The only thing that worked for me was completely soaking the walls. Good luck!!!

